- Microformats, hAccessibility & Moving Forward
- 01/26/2009
- Last week, Andy Clarke posted a design solution for the hAccessibility issue in microformats. It's an interesting workaround, combining the current standard for marking up dates in microformats with the broadly-accepted use of skip links. But Wait, What Is hAccessibility? Before I get too far into this article, though, I should probably explain hAccessibility. As I've mentioned previously, hAccessibility was coined by The Web Standards Project to describe an accessibility issue related to the use of the abbr design pattern…
- IE6 and Link Pseudo-Classes
- 08/03/2008
- While working on a freelance project a few months ago, I spent hours upon hours struggling with a bug in IE6. But a bug for which I could find absolutely no documentation. And a bug I had never seen before. IE6 wasn't properly recognizing the styles I had assigned to my navigation links :hover pseudo-class. After far too many hours (especially considering it was a freelance job), I discovered the solution to my problem.