A Blog Not Limited

to web design, standards & semantics

The Beauty of Semantic Markup, Introduction

Jul 15, 2010

Published in

Ever since I started writing Microformats Made Simple, I've been distracted … from this blog, from my career goals, from my personal life. And even though the book is long since finished, I'm still distracted.

It is getting better, though. I'm gaining a bit more focus each day.

I quit my job to pursue freelance work in hopes of reconnecting with what I love about my career: making great web sites.

I'm letting go of some of my responsibilities with the user group I co-manage, Webuquerque, so that I can better experience the reason I co-founded it: the community.

I started writing for other publications to encourage my passion for sharing knowledge and information to audiences beyond my meager reach.

And I even decided to break an almost seven-year stretch of happily living alone to *fingers-crossed* happily living in sin with my boyfriend.

A New Blog Series!

The next thing I'm returning focus to is this blog. And there aren't words to describe how right and grounding this feels.

A Blog Not Limited is my baby. My first online presence where I can do and say anything I want in my own voice, however wrong, inappropriate or profane it may be.

It was the vehicle that inspired me to start writing about microformats and, by extension, gave me the opportunity to write a book.

It is the place where I started to get comfortable "putting myself out there" … where I could shamelessly self promote, while simultaneously sharing information.

And in return for all this, I've been a bad parent. I haven't done a single bit of development I planned to do after it's first anniversary. I even forgot the anniversary this year.

As for content, I haven't written too much beyond the shameless self promotion, which sorta takes away the "shameless" part because I like to have a balance (not to mention, I'm beyond sick of promoting me and the book).

I can overlook my neglect of the design and development needed here (for now), but I can't overlook neglect of content. Which brings me to the reason for this post: I'm starting a new blog series focusing on semantic markup.

Why Semantic Markup?

The most obvious answer is I dig it. I mean I really love it.

Semantic markup is more exciting, challenging and satisfying for me than all the cool shit you can do with CSS 3 transitions or HTML5 <canvas> or any of the latest–and–greatest emerging web trends.

There is a purity to semantic markup that appeals to me. It is simply deciding what markup elements best describe the content. If you have content for a primary heading on a page, you simply use <h1>. If you have a series of paragraphs, <p> is there for you. Want to provide a sequential list of instructions, <ol> won't let you down.

But those are the most simplistic scenarios. I also believe writing truly semantic markup is much like putting pieces of a puzzle together.

It's beyond only using <table>s for tabular data. It is beyond not using <blockquote>s to simply indent text.

You have to be able to see the big picture.

That means a solid understanding of the content itself, even how the content may change over time. For example, if I'm working with contact information I want to know what, specifically, is included. Name, job title, birthday, web site? Will additional content be added in the future? All of these little details affect the final markup.

An understanding of the design and CSS needed to translate that design is essential. Is there a "sticky footer"? What, if any, image replacement techniques will be used? What about font embedding? Again, these design and CSS details will absolutely require certain markup considerations.

You even need an appreciation for your fellow designers and developers who may, someday, have to work with your markup. I've too often inherited sites from designers who believed 10 nested <div>s were necessary to contain a single blog post. Or from developers who felt id="static23" was a descriptive and useful naming convention.

It's About Craftsmanship

HTML is, by comparison, one of the easiest web languages to learn and start using right away. And nothing is going to stop you from using dozens of <table>s for layout, or structuring navigation with <a>s and <br />s, or any of the thousands of examples of shoddy markup that exist on the web today.

Anyone can write crap markup. It takes a craftsman to write that "big picture" markup I described.

It takes knowledge to understand the semantics of HTML elements and properly apply them to content. It takes commitment to spend the extra time needed to follow semantic naming conventions for ids and classes. It takes experience to know that sometimes you do need a few extra <div>s to support a design or invalid role attributes to support accessibility.

A POSH Foundation

After I wrote Meaningful Markup: POSH and Beyond, I realized I had much more to share beyond the basics covered in that article. And so, I decided to start this Beauty of Semantic Markup series.

The focus will be Plain Old Semantic Markup (POSH, for you acronym-loving geeks) examples for real-world content. Not a bunch of theory about what benefits semantic markup offers. No admonitions that you must write semantic markup to support web standards and accessibility. You can see Meaningful Markup if you want that.

Instead, I want to focus on foundation because that's where craftsmanship begins.

I'll take different types of content and mark them up, using POSH and semantic naming conventions. Some posts will focus on a specific element, such as <table>, and show best practices for structure and attributes. Some posts will focus on specific content, such as quotes and citations, and cover which elements are most semantically appropriate to use.

Of course, I'll introduce microformats when the content examples dictate. I'll also get into CSS when it seems relevant. And you better believe I'll address accessibility. As for HTML5, I would never neglect it, but I do want to focus on more "foundational" elements first.

Who Is This Series For?

First and foremost, this series is for me. As I explained, refocusing on this blog and writing for myself is something I need and want to do. Plus, I learn so much when I spend the time researching and writing about a topic.

But also, with abundance of news and posts focusing on emerging trends in this industry, I feel compelled to re-engage in the discussion about fundamentals.

Far too often, I hear from developers who know they aren't producing the best markup, but due to a range of circumstances — limited resources at their jobs, employers who think "web people" can do everything, lack of experience and knowledge — they feel hamstrung. And far too often, I've inherited work from other developers who didn't appreciate good markup, which led to me spending unnecessary time fixing their work (and that means more time and money for employers and clients).

If you are one of those developers/designers, then this series is for you. It's not going to be brain science. It probably won't be anything that hasn't already been written about before. But I do hope it will provide simple, easy–to–understand examples that you can (and will) use to take your markup to a higher level. Hell, I even plan to use the markup examples as my own personal reference to save time when I'm developing.

If you are a markup master already, this series may not be for you. Then again, it might. I've been writing HTML for over 10 years and I regularly discover new ways of approaching my markup. Perhaps this series may offer a golden nugget of goodness for even the most experienced front-end developers.

I also hope this series inspires discussion. I'm not perfect and I don't know everything there is to know about markup. I hope as I present my suggestions for markup, others will chime in with their own ideas and conventions. And then we all learn something new. Yay!

The Plan

I don't have a formal editorial calendar for this series, but I plan to tackle a range of semantic markup topics, including (and not limited to):

  • Accessible <table>s for tabular data
  • Semantic naming conventions for <id>s and <class>es
  • List elements (<ul>, <ol> and <dl>)
  • Images with captions
  • Accessible <form>s
  • Document structure with the new HTML5 semantic elements
  • A survey of sites that are "doing it right" and those that aren't
  • Headings (<h1><h6>)
  • <acronym> and <abbr>

I also plan to explore different semantic markup approaches for different types of content, such as blog posts, site maps, image galleries and more. It might also be nice to take a look at one of those sites that is "doing it wrong" and show what I would do instead.

This series may span several months, a year or even more. As long as I feel interested and engaged in the topic, I plan to write about it. I hope to publish a new article every week, but it could be every 10 days … if I'm really busy, it could be longer.

I suggest you subscribe to A Blog Not Limited to get updates via RSS or follow me on Twitter, where I'll posts links to new articles.

In the meantime, I already have part one, covering quotes and citations, ready for your inspection. Enjoy!

HTML5 Cookbook

Interested in HTML5?
Get the Cookbook!

I was a contributing author for HTML5 Cookbook, available for sale on Amazon! Get yours now! (I hear chapters 1, 4 and 5 are particularly good.)

P.S. Don't forget my book Microformats Made Simple is still for sale!


Share the Love

Ian Pitts's Gravatar

Ian Pitts opines:


This is awesome. I’ll be waiting on the edge of my seat to read each of these and have some fun debates in the comments regarding different semantic markup to use in various situations.

Bob Monsour's Gravatar

Bob Monsour opines:


Ok, I’m ready. Bring it on. I look forward to the series as it’s never too late to learn more from another perspective.

Jeff Claeson's Gravatar

Jeff Claeson opines:


I love to get back to basics and improve my methods. Looking forward to this series.

William Cooper's Gravatar

William Cooper opines:


This is fantastic. Your writing style is clear and engaging and I can’t wait to continue this series.  I’m also looking forward to owning the book I’m sure will come from it.

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The Coolest Person I Know

Emily Lewis

Yeah, that would be me: .

I'm a freelance web designer of the standardista variety, which means I get excited about things like valid POSH, microformats and accessibility. I ply my trade from my one-person design studio in Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106 USA.

A Blog Not Limited is my personal blog where I pontificate about web design, web standards, semantics and whatever else strikes my fancy. Head on over to Emily Lewis Design if you'd like to see my work or, even better, hire me.


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