May 2009
- Useful Tweets 24
- 05/18/2009
- Links from the past two weeks' tweets that referenced web design/development resources, interesting products, things that made me laugh and other stuff I (loosely) deem "useful." Follow me on Twitter for more immediate linky goodness.
- Webuquerque: Standards & Accessibility With Dreamweaver
- 05/12/2009
- Last Wednesday, Webuquerque hosted "Standards & Accessibility With Dreamweaver," presented by Virginia DeBolt and Emily Lewis (that's me!). The presentation had a great turnout with over 20 attendees and, once again, several folks from Santa Fe. If you weren't able to join us, here's what you missed.
- Introduction to Microformats Recap
- 05/08/2009
- As part of my whirlwind of presentations, I recently spoke to the University of New Mexico's Information Architects group about microformats. The presentation was a huge success (at least from my perspective). There were about 20 attendees, and it was the first time I felt comfortable in a public-speaking situation.
- Useful Tweets 23
- 05/06/2009
- With my busy schedule, it seems that the Useful Tweets weekly series has become bi-monthly. I've accepted this. I hope you can too. So, without any further delay, here are links from the past two weeks of tweets that I (loosely) deem useful.